Well as it turned out, August has been the busiest month of the year for us. This is interesting considering August is usually a slow month, with people taking time off for summer vacations with their families. A fluke? A sign of a bounce-back economy? Personally, I feel it’s the latter. I’m seeing many people in the industry taking on more and more projects as of late. It really seems like everyone is busy these days and that’s great to see.
For this month alone, we’ve serviced clients that include projects for McKesson, Huawei, VMWare, Walmart, Quest Systems, SalesForce.net, Ravelco, New York Stock Exchange, Revlon, and Southwest Airlines to name a few. To say the least, it’s been extremely busy over here.
After August we continue with McKesson, Huawei, and Quest, and are booked with new project (by repeat client) for Omnicell. The icing on the cake is a production trip down to Costa Rica for what should be an amazing adventure to the rain forest, capturing footage of exotic wildlife and beauty.
So yes, something is in the air, or the water, or both, because whatever it is, it’s keeping everyone I personally know busy these days.
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